Coquereau, A., F. Sévellec, T. Huck, J. Hirschi, A. Hochet, 2024: Anthropogenic Changes in Interannual-to-Decadal Climate Variability in CMIP6 Multiensemble Simulations. AGU24, Washington DC, 9-13dec2024. A43F-2041
Pineau, E., Donnadieu, Y., Maffre, P., Lique, C., Huck, T., and Ladant, J.-B., 2024: Emergence of North Atlantic Deep Water during the Cenozoic: A Tale of Geological and Climatic Forcings, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14-19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11160, (poster) CL1.1.1 Deep-time climate change and carbon cycling: insights from models and proxies. abstractpdf
Hochet, A., W. Llovel, T. Huck, F. Sévellec, 2023: Ocean Dynamics control of the Steric Sea Level Seasonal Cycle. 2023 Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting, Porto Rico, 7-11 November 2023.
Coquereau, A., F. Sévellec, T. Huck, J. J.-M. Hirschi, A. Hochet, 2023: Investigating internal variability of climate using initial-condition ensembles from CMIP6 (poster). Colloques "Science des points de bascule" et "Prévisibilité dans les sciences de l'atmosphère, des océans et du climat", Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, 2-6oct2023.
Sévellec, F., M. Ben Jelloul, H. Dijkstra, S. Drijfhout, A. Fedorov, A. Germe, T. Huck, D. Stephenson, 2023: Perturbations Optimales et Prévisibilité - Application à la circulation océanique de l'Atlantique Nord (oral). Colloques du GDR Défis théoriques pour les sciences du climat, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, 2-6oct2023.
Hochet, A., W. Llovel, F. Sévellec, T. Huck, 2023: Sources and sinks of interannual steric sea level variability. EGU23-12782, submitted to CL4.5 ¿ Understanding sea level changes: global to local, from past to future. EGU General Assembly, 23-28 April 2023, Vienna. abstract
Huck, T., R. Bajon, et al., 2023: Influence of waves on the three-dimensional distribution of plastic in the ocean. EGU23-13780, submitted to OS4.8 ¿ Monitoring, Modeling and Risk Mapping of Marine pollution and its Environmental and Socioeconomic Footprints. EGU General Assembly, 23-28 April 2023, Vienna. abstract
Hochet, A., W. Llovel, F. Sévellec, T. Huck, 2022: Sources and sinks of interannual steric sea level variability (poster OS52C-0522). AGU Fall Meeting, Chicago, 12-16dec2022. abstract
Huck, T., R. Bajon, N. Grima, E. Portela, J.-M. Molines, T. Penduff, 2022: Three-dimensional dispersion of neutral plastic particles in a global ocean model (oral). Micro 2022 conference, 14-18nov2022, Paper number 427804, DOI 10.5281/zenodo.7216083. abstract
Maes, C., T. Huck, 2022: Conférence invitée : Sur les différents processus physiques qui régissent le transport des débris plastiques marins dans les océans. Troisième rencontre du GDR Polymères et Océans, 27-29 juin 2022, Brest.
Huck, T., R. Bajon, N. Grima, E. Portela, J.-M. Molines, T. Penduff, 2022: Three-dimensional dispersion of neutral "plastic" particles in a global ocean model. Troisième rencontre du GDR Polymères et Océans, 27-29 juin 2022, Brest. [pdf] [pptx]
Chenillat, F., T. Huck, C. Maes, N. Grima, B. Blanke, 2021: Devenir des débris plastiques flottants rejetés le long des côtes, étude à partir d'un modèle de circulation océanique à l'échelle globale (oral). Rencontres du GDR Polymères et Océans, 8-11 février 2021. [résumé]
Corre, E., G. Jan, C. Maes, N.Grima, T. Huck, G. Charria, C. Lacroix, 2021: Lagrangian drift applied to nearshore plastic waste: case study of the region of Bay of Biscay-Channel (poster). Rencontres du GDR Polymères et Océans, 8-11 février 2021. [pdf] [résumé]
Chenillat, F., T. Huck, C. Maes, N. Grima, B. Blanke, 2020: Fate of floating plastic debris released along the coasts in a global ocean model (oral). MICRO2020, Fate and Impacts of Microplastics: Knowledge and Responsibilities. Session 27.3_O Chaired by Erik van Sebille, #334565. [pdf]
Hochet, A., Huck, T., Arzel, O., Sevellec, F., Colin de Verdiere, A., Mazloff, M., and Cornuelle, B., 2020: Direct temporal cascade of temperature variance in eddy-permitting simulations of multidecadal variability, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4-8 May 2020, EGU2020-4992,, 2020 . [pdf]
Hochet, A., T. Huck, O. Arzel, F. Sévellec, M. Mazloff, B. Cornuelle, 2020: Direct temporal cascade of temperature variance in eddy-permitting simulations of multidecadal variability (poster). Ocean Sciences Meeting, 16-21fev2020, San Diego, USA. [pdf]
Zhang, Y., T. Huck, C. Lique, Y. Donnadieu, J.-B. Ladant, 2019: Vigorous Ocean Overturning and its Contribution to Warm Southern Ocean during the Early Eocene in the IPSL Model. Goldschmidt Conference, 18-23 August 2019, Barcelona.
Huck, T. et al., 2019: Le groupe plastique au LOPS - Processus de convergence et dispersion des débris flottants à la surface des océans. Journée collaborative Plastiques et déchets marins, 8 juillet 2019, Brest.
Baztan, Juan, Ana Carrasco, Omer Chouinard, Mateo Cordier, Julie Forgues, Thierry, Huck, Jean-Michel Huctin, Lionel Jaffrès, Bethany Jorgensen, Aquilino Miguelez, Céline Surette, Jean-Paul Vanderlinden, Clément Weber, 2019: Tendances et extrêmes de la pollution plastique sur le littoral - points clefs de 12 années d'observations. Premières rencontres nationales du GDR Polymères et Océans, Université Paris-Est Créteil, 24-26 juin 2019.
Maes, C. and the dispersion group, 2019: Marine plastic litter pathways connecting the subtropical convergence zones: from ocean dynamics to realistic scenario cases. Premières rencontres nationales du GDR Polymères et Océans, Université Paris-Est Créteil, 24-26 juin 2019.
Maes, C., B. Blanke, E. Martinez, T. Huck, N. Grima, 2018: Surface dispersion of marine debris under simple scenario. Technologies for observing and monitoring Plastics in the Oceans, workshop organized by IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society, 26-27nov2018, Brest, France.
Zhang, Y., T. Huck, C. Lique, Y. Donnadieu, J.-B. Ladant, O. Arzel, 2018: The contribution of vigorous ocean overturning to warm Southern Ocean during the early Eocene in IPSL simulations (oral). The 3rd Deep-Time Model Intercomparison Project DeepMIP Conference, Bristol, UK, 4-6jul2018.
Maes, C., N. Grima, B. Blanke, E. Martinez, T. Huck, E. van Sebille, L. Lebreton, 2018: Ocean pathways connecting the subtropical convergence zones: applications to marine plastic litter (EGU2018-5044) (oral,Highlight). EGU, 12 Avril 2018, Vienne. OS4.7/BG3.9 Marine Pollution Assessment, Predictions and Risk Mapping (co-organized)
Maes, C., N. Grima, B. Blanke, E. Martinez, T. Paviet-Salomon, T. Huck, 2018: Evidence of a super-convergence zone in the subtropical Indo-Pacific Ocean. AMOS-ICSHMO, 5-9 February 2018, UNSW Kensington Campus, Sydney, Australia. (Session 1.1 - February 8, 2018, 1115-1130)
Maes, C., B. Blanke, N. Grima, T. Huck, T. Paviet-Salomon, E. Martinez, J. Le Sommer, A. Cipollone, 2017: Etude de la circulation/dispersion de surface au sein des gyres subtropicaux par analyse Lagrangienne. Journées Scientifiques LEFE/GMMC, 20-22 juin 2017, Ifremer, Brest.
Jamet, Q., T. Huck, O. Arzel, A. Colin de Verdière, A. Hochet, C. Vic, 2017: Diabatic processes controlling the growth of long baroclinic waves. (poster) AMOC science meeting, 23-25 May 2017, Santa Fe, NM, USA.
Huck, T., O. Arzel, A. Colin de Verdière, Q. Jamet, F. Sévellec, 2017: Oceanic control of multidecadal variability in the North Atlantic: (invited talk). CNRS/INSU/LEFE/IMAGO International Science Meeting "Observing and understanding the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation", IUEM, Brest, 3-5 May 2017.
Huck, T., F. Aguesse, A. Colin de Verdière, N. Ducousso, A. Hochet, Q. Jamet, R. Schopp, F. Sévellec, J. Sirven, 2017: Horizontal structure of nonlinear basin modes due to large scale baroclinic instability: A prototype for interannual variability. Forced and chaotic ocean variability Workshop, 20-21 April 2017, Grenoble. [pdf]
Huck, T., Y. Morel, E. Chassignet, S. Herbette, M. Le Corre, P. Bellec, 2017: Influence of horizontal and vertical model resolution on ocean intrinsic variability in idealized wind-forced double-gyre (poster). Forced and chaotic ocean variability Workshop, 20-21 April 2017, Grenoble. [pdf]
Jamet, Q., T. Huck, O. Arzel, A. Colin de Verdière, A. Hochet, C. Vic, 2016: Génération des ondes longues océaniques contrôlée par des processus non-adiabatiques. Colloque Géodésie et Géophysique Marine, 14-16nov2016, Brest. résumé
Huck, T., O. Arzel, A. Colin de Verdière, F. Sévellec, Q. Jamet, 2016: Oceanic control of multidecadal variability in the North Atlantic (poster). WCRP Model Hierarchies Workshop, Princeton University, New Jersey, USA, 2-4 November 2016.
Baztan, J., et al., 2016: Where Go the Plastics? And Whence Do They Come? From Diagnosis to Participatory Community-Based Observatory Network. MICRO2016, Lanzarote, Espagne, 25-27 mai 2016. Fate and Impacts of Microplastics in Marine Ecosystems : From the Coastline to the Open Sea,
Huck, T., O. Arzel, Q. Jamet, 2016: Influence of mesoscale on larger scales mean state and variability and other layman thoughts. Submesoscale workshop, Ifremer, Brest, 21-23march2016.
Hochet, A., T. Huck, A. Colin de Verdière, 2016: Large scale baroclinic instability of the mean oceanic circulation: a local approach. EGU General Assembly 2016, submitted to CL5.14/AS2.5/OS1.14 . identification number EGU2016-9942 .
Huck, T., F. Aguesse, P. Bellec, A. Colin de Verdière, A. Hochet, Q. Jamet, F. Sévellec, J. Sirven, 2016: Horizontal structure of unstable basin modes due to large scale baroclinic instability. Drakkar 2016 Annual Workshop, Grenoble.
Lherminier, P., H. Mercier, N. Daniault, F. F. Perez, P. Zunino, M. I. García-Ibáñez, A. Sarafanov, F. Gaillard, P. Morin, A. F. Rios, D. Desbruyères, A. Falina, B. Ferron, T. Huck, V. Thierry, 2015: Variability of the Meridional Overturning Circulation observed since 1993 across the A25-OVIDE section in the North Atlantic subpolar gyre and its impact on the CO2 physical pump (poster). EURASC-COP21/SaferSeas, 27-28 octobre 2015, Brest, France : "Climate change: impacts on ocean, food production, health and the economy".
Lherminier, P., H. Mercier, N. Daniault, F. F. Perez, P. Zunino, M. I. García-Ibáñez, A. Sarafanov, F. Gaillard, P. Morin, D. Desbruyères, A. Falina, B. Ferron, T. Huck, V. Thierry, 2015: Observed variability of the Meridional Overturning Circulation in the North Atlantic subpolar gyre since 1993 and its impact on the CO2 physical pump (oral). Our Common Future Under Climate Change, International Scientific Conference 7-10 JULY 2015 Paris, France.
Jamet, Q., T. Huck, A. Colin de Verdière, O. Arzel, and J.-M. Campin : Role of the Ocean-Atmosphere interactions for the Atlantic Multidecadal Variability in an idealized coupled model (OS1.8, oral). EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria. EGU2015-502.
Huck, T., O. Arzel, F. Sévellec, T. Penduff, 2014: Intrinsic low-frequency (co)variability of SLA, MOC, and SST: impacts of mesoscale turbulence and wind forcing (poster). OST-ST, Lac de Constance, Germany, 27-31oct2014.
Huck, T., O. Arzel, F. Sévellec, 2014: Multidecadal variability of the overturning circulation in presence of eddy turbulence (oral). Ocean Scale Interaction symposium, A tribute to Lien Hua, Brest, France, 23-25 June 2014.
Huck, T., F. Sévellec, 2014: Interdecadal variability of the overturning circulation in presence of eddy turbulence (oral). Drakkar/MyOcean workshop, Grenoble, France, 27-29 January 2014.
Ferjani D., T. Huck, A. Colin de Verdière, 2013: Influence of bottom topography on large-scale decadal basin modes (poster). EGU, 7-13 April 2013, Vienna, Austria.
Herbette, S., A. Colin de Verdière, A. Hochet, T. Huck, 2013: Dynamics of a dipolar gyre on the beta-plane (poster). EGU, 7-13 April 2013, Vienna, Austria.
Huck, T., 2013: Robustness of the interdecadal variability of the overturning circulation in presence of eddy turbulence and bottom topography (poster). EGU, 7-13 April 2013, Vienna, Austria.
Huck, T., A. Colin de Verdière, D. Ferjani, P. Bellec, 2013: Multidecadal oscillations of the meridional overturning circulation in presence of bottom topography (poster). Journée de rencontre des utilisateurs du Pôle de Calcul Intensif pour la Mer, Centre Ifremer de Brest, 01feb2013.
Herbette, S., A. Colin de Verdière, A. Hochet, T. Huck, J. Collin, 2012: Dynamics of a dipolar gyre forced by a source and sink in a rotating tank on the beta-plane (poster). Chapman Conference on The Agulhas System and its Role in Changing Ocean Circulation, Climate, and Marine Ecosystems, 8-12oct2012, Spier Wine Estate, Stellenbosch, Western Cape, South Africa.
Ferjani D., T. Huck, A. Colin de Verdière, 2012: Influence of bottom topography and mean circulation on large-scale decadal basin modes (poster). EGU, 22-27 April 2012, Vienna, Austria.
Huck, T., A. Colin de Verdière, D. Ferjani, P. Bellec, 2012: Multidecadal oscillations of the meridional overturning circulation in presence of bottom topography (poster). EGU, 22-27 April 2012, Vienna, Austria.
Arzel O., England M., Colin de Verdière A., Huck T., 2012: Abrupt millennial variability and interdecadal-interstadial oscillations in a global coupled model: sensitivity to the background climate state (poster). Ocean Sciences 2012, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. [pdf]
Huck, T., A. Colin de Verdière, D. Ferjani, 2012: Multidecadal oscillations of the meridional overturning circulation in presence of bottom topography (poster). Ocean Sciences 2012, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. [pdf]
Mercier H., Lherminier P., Gourcuff C., Sarafanov A., Falina A., Daniault N., Ferron B., Huck T., Thierry V., 2011: Variability of the circulation and heat transport from six occupations of the A25 Greenland-Portugal OVIDE section between 1997 and 2010. EGU, 04apr2011, Vienna, Austria.
Huck, T.: Low-frequency variations of the large-scale ocean circulation and heat transport in the North Atlantic from 1955-2008 in situ temperature and salinity data. 23 February 2010, Ocean Sciences 2010 Meeting, Portland, Oregon, USA.
Huck, T., P. Bellec : Variations de la circulation océanique dans l'Atlantique Nord depuis 1955 : modèle global NEMO ORCA ½° avec rappel aux données in situ (TOCAD). Journée de rencontre des utilisateurs du pôle de calcul intensif pour la Mer, 11dec2009, Ifremer, Brest.
Huck, T., P. Bellec, R. Dussin, F. Gaillard, J.-M. Molines, A. M. Treguier : Variations de la circulation océanique dans l'Atlantique Nord à partir des données in situ (TOCAD). Colloque GMMC, 16-18nov2009, Brest.
Huck, T., P. Bellec, R. Dussin, F. Gaillard, J.-M. Molines, A. M. Treguier : TOCAD : Variations récentes de la circulation océanique dans l'Atlantique Nord à partir des données in situ (poster). Colloque GMMC, 16-18nov2009, Brest.
Huck, T. : Variations de la circulation océanique grande échelle dans l'Atlantique Nord depuis 1950 à partir des données in situ (RECO). Colloque LEFE-EVE, 1-2jul2009, Paris.
Lherminier, P., H. Mercier, T. Huck, C. Gourcuff, F. F. Perez, P. Morin, C. Kermabon, 2009: The Meridional Overturning Circulation and the Subpolar Gyre observed at the A25-OVIDE section in June 2002 and 2004. EGU, 19-24apr2009, Vienna, Austria.
abstract [pdf]
Sévellec, F. , T. Huck, J. Vialard, A. V. Fedorov: Optimal surface salinity perturbations of the meridional overturning circulation (invited). EGU, 19-24apr2009, Vienna, Austria.
[abstract pdf]
Cabanes, C., T. Huck, A. Colin de Verdière, M. Ollitrault, F. Gaillard: Partition entre le mode barotrope et le premier mode barocline déduite de vitesses de surface altimétriques et des déplacements des flotteurs Argo à 1000m (poster). Réunion GMMC, Toulouse, 13-15oct2008.
Cabanes, C., T. Huck, A. Colin de Verdière: Partition between barotropic and first baroclinic modes from altimetric velocities and Argo float mid-depth displacements (poster). Euro Argo Users Workshop, Southampton, UK, 25-26 June 2008.
Sévellec, F., T. Huck, M. Ben Jelloul, J. Vialard: Optimal surface salinity perturbations of the thermohaline circulation (poster). Session NP2.03: Nonlinear Dynamics of the Ocean Circulation (co-listed in OS). EGU, 13-18apr2008, Vienna.
abstract [pdf];
I: 2D model [pdf];
II: global OGCM [pdf]
Cabanes, C., T. Huck, F. Gaillard: Circulation dans l'Atlantique Nord à partir de données Argo et altimétriques : Méthodes diagnostiques (poster). Réunion GMMC, Toulouse, 17-18oct2007.
Huck, T., et al. : Variations de la circulation océanique grande-échelle dans l'Atlantique depuis 1950 à partir des données in situ (poster). Réunion LEFE-IDAO, Toulouse, 10sep2007.
Cabanes, C., T. Huck: Reconstruction de la circulation océanique dans l'Atlantique Nord à partir de données Argo et altimétriques (poster). Réunion LEFE-IDAO, Toulouse, 10sep2007.
Huck, T. et al. : Variabilité de la circulation océanique grande-échelle à partir de champs annuels moyens de température et salinité. Réunion Argo-France, Brest, 10-11mai2007.
Sévellec, F., A. Colin de Verdière, T. Huck, M. Ben Jelloul: Optimal surface salinity perturbations influencing the ocean circulation. Réunion LEFE-NEMOVAR, Grenoble, 22 mars 2007.
Huck, T.: Evolution basse-fréquence des température et salinité dans l'Atlantique Nord et changements de la circulation océanique grande-échelle associés. Réunion du Groupe de Mission Mercator Coriolis, Météo-France, Toulouse, 4-6 décembre 2006.
Huck, T.: Internal modes of the ocean circulation on decadal to centennial time scales and their mechanism (solicited). CLIVAR meeting "Multidecadal to Centennial Global Climate Variability", Honolulu, Hawaii, 15-17 novembre 2006.
Sévellec, F., T. Huck, M. Ben Jelloul, N. Grima: Optimal sea surface salinity impact on the oceanic circulation (poster). CLIVAR meeting "Multidecadal to Centennial Global Climate Variability", Honolulu, Hawaii, 15-17 novembre 2006.
te Raa, L., T. Huck: Driving of millennial oscillations in a two-dimensional ocean model (poster). EGU 2006, Vienna, Austria, 2-7 april 2006.
[abstract pdf]
Huck, T., A. Colin de Verdière, R. Schopp, P. Estrade, T. Begot: Variations of the large-scale ocean circulation since 1950 (talk). Oceans Sciences meeting, Hawaii, 20-24 février 2006.
Huck, T., T. Reynaud, F. Gaillard, B. Le Cann, V. Thierry, H. Mercier, P. Bellec, C. Lagadec: Temperature and salinity annual anomalies in the North Atlantic from CTD data - Estimating the seasonal cycle (poster). Réunion du Groupe de Mission Mercator Coriolis, Météo-France, Toulouse, 10-11 octobre 2005.
Huck, T., A. Colin de Verdière, R. Schopp, P. Estrade, T. Begot : Reconstitution de la circulation océanique grande échelle et de ses variations à partir de climatologies annuelles de température et salinité (poster). Réunion du Groupe de Mission Mercator Coriolis, Météo-France, Toulouse, 10-11 octobre 2005.
Huck, T., M. Ben Jelloul, A. Colin de Verdière, O. Arzel, F. Sévellec : Modes de variabilité interdécennale de la circulation océanique à travers une hiérarchie de modèles (poster), colloque bilan PNEDC, Meudon, 24-25 april 2005.
Huck, T.: Interdecadal modes of variability through a hierarchy of ocean models (poster). EGU, Vienne, 25-29 april 2005.
Sévellec, F., T. Huck, M. Ben Jelloul: On the mechanism of the centennial thermohaline oscillations (poster). EGU, Vienne, 25-29 april 2005.
Huck, T., F. Gaillard, B. Le Cann, H. Mercier, V. Thierry: Anomalies annuelles de température et salinité dans l'Atlantique Nord à partir de profils flotteurs et CTD récents et historiques : méthodologie et analyse (poster). Réunion du Groupe de Mission Mercator Coriolis, Météo-France, Toulouse, 6-7 octobre 2004.
Lherminier, P., H. Mercier, T. Huck, B. Ferron, M. Alvarez, C. Kermabon: Variability of the North Atlantic Meridional Overturning Cell between 1997 and 2002 (poster). CLIVAR meeting, Baltimore, USA, 20 juin 2004.
Huck, T., O. Arzel, M. Ben Jelloul, A. Colin de Verdière, F. Sévellec: Natural modes of climate variability associated with the oceanic thermohaline circulation (poster). Challenges in the climate sciences, XVIe rencontres de Blois, 23-28 mai 2004.
Arzel, O., T. Huck: Identifying two types of thermohaline circulation interdecadal variability. EGU General Assembly, 25-30 avril 2004, Nice.
[abstract pdf]
Cabanes, C., T. Huck, A. Colin de Verdière: Contributions of wind forcing and surface heating to interannual Sea Surface Height variability in the Atlantic Ocean (talk). AGU CGU SEG EEGS Joint Assembly, Montreal, Canada, 17-21 mai 2004.
Huck, T., M. Ben Jelloul: Decadal scale variability and ocean basin modes (solicited talk). EGS-AGU-EUG joint assembly, Nice, France, 7-11 April 2003.
The Ovide team: Ovide 2002 - a hydrographic section from Greenland to Portugal (poster). EGS-AGU-EUG joint assembly, Nice, France, 7-11 April 2003.
Huck, T., M. Ben Jelloul: Excitation of ocean basin modes by the mean circulation. EGS, Nice, 23apr2002.
Ben Jelloul, M., T. Huck: Weakly nonlinear interaction of Sverdrup flow and basin modes in the barotropic quasi-geostrophic wind driven circulation. EGS, Nice, 23apr2002.
Ben Jelloul, M., T. Huck: A theory for the variability of the baroclinic quasigeostrophic wind-driven circulation (poster). EGS, Nice, 23apr2002.
Ben Jelloul, M., T. Huck: Nonlinear interaction between Sverdrup flow and basin modes in the quasi-geostrophic wind driven circulation (poster). Ocean Sciences meeting, Hawaii, USA, 11-15 February 2002.
Arzel, O., T. Huck: Decadal oscillations in a simplified coupled model due to unstable interactions between zonal winds and ocean gyres (poster). 2001.
Huck, T., 2001: Unstable modes of the ocean circulation. EGS 2001, Nice, 25-30mar2001.
Huck, T., O. Arzel: Decadal oscillations in a simplified coupled model due to unstable interactions between zonal winds and ocean gyres (talk). AGU Chapman conference "The North Atlantic Oscillation", Ourense, Spain, 28 November-1 December 2000.
Huck, T. : Analyse de stabilité linéaire de la circulation océanique. Séminaire au LMD, Paris. 3-13 Mars 2000.
Huck, T., G. Vallis: Equilibration of Mesoscale Eddies: Effects of Upper and Lower Boundary Conditions. Ocean Sciences meeting, San Antonio, Texas, USA, 24-28 janvier 2000.