Pour en savoir plus
Crowley, T. J., 2000 : Causes of climate change over the last 1000 years. Science, 289, 270-277.
Dansgaard, W., et al., 1993 : Evidence for general instability of past climate from a 250-kyr ice-core record. Nature, 364, 218-220.
Hansen, D. V., et H. F. Bezdek, 1996 : On the nature of decadal anomalies in North Atlantic sea surface temperature. Journal of Geophysical Research,101, 8749-8758.
Kerr, R. A., 2000 : A North Atlantic climate pacemaker for the centuries. Science, 288, 1984-1986.
Levitus, S., J. I. Antonov, T. P. Boyer, and C. Stephens, 2000 : Warming of the world ocean. Science, 287, 2225-2229.
Mann, M. E., R. S. Bradley, et M. K. Hughes, 1999 : Northern hemisphere temperatures during the past millenium: inferences, uncertainties, and limitations. Geophysical Research Letters, 26, 759-762.
Moberg, A., et G. Demaree, 1999 : Ce que nous apprennent les thermomètres. La recherche, 321, juin 1999.
Schönwiese, C.-D., et J. Rapp, 1997 : Climate trend atlas of Europe based on observations 1891-1990. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 228 pp.
Sutton, R. T., et M. R. Allen, 1997 : Decadal predictability of North Atlantic sea surface temperature and climate. Nature, 388, 563-567.
Levitus, S., J. I. Antonov, T. P. Boyer, et C. Stephens, 2000 : Warming of the world ocean. Science, 287, 2225-2229.
Liens (langue anglaise)
Climatic Research Unit Information sheets
Basics of weather, climate and climate change
US Report to the Nation: Our changing climate -
Dennis Hartmann, 1997