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Some friends...
Sandie Le Conte ingénieure du son à Panam ;) et insatiable découvreuse du monde à l'envers (Cité de la Musique, Paris)
Arnaud Czaja (now at Imperial College, London)
Olivier Pauluis (now at MIT, Boston, or back in Princeton)
Claire Rampon, a mouse biologist (now in Toulouse, Centre de Recherches sur la Cognition Animale, Université Paul Sabatier)
... among the geophysicists and Earth core dynamicists
My ex-roomate Alexandre Fournier, the core screwer, en sport-etude soccer à Princeton en 1999
Nicolas Coltice, the jazzman
... among the GFDLists at Princeton
Halldor Bjornsson (now at Icelandic Met. Office, Reykjavik)
Steve Griffies
K. Shafer Smith (now at Courant Institute, New York)
Geoffrey K. Vallis
... among the LPO-aliens from Brest (past present or future)
Olivier Arzel
Mahdi Ben Jelloul
Alain Colin de Verdière
Nathalie Daniault
Andrea Doglioli, MdC à Marseille
Laurent Dubus
(multimania) (now at EDF, Chatou)
Bruno Ferron (aka Dr. No)
Nicolas Grima
Steven Herbette
Bruno Levier
Stéphane Raynaud
(aka grouik, Golden Boy à New-York)
Guillaume Roullet
à LA jul2009-
Rob Scott and his enlightning lectures
Sabrina Speich
Virginie Thierry
Nicolas Wienders (now at FSU, Florida)
... among the mathematicians from Santa Cruz
Erich Zakarian, the Star Wars nut (now in Grenoble)
updated 27dec2002