Thierry Huck and Geoffrey K. Vallis
Princeton University AOS/GFDL, Princeton, NJ, USA
Tellus, 53A, 526-545.
What can we learn from performing a linear stability analysis of the
large-scale ocean circulation? Can we predict from the basic state the
occurrence of interdecadal oscillations, such as might be found in a
forward integration of the full equations of motion? If so, do the
structure and period of the linearly unstable modes resemble those
found in a forward integration?
We pursue here a preliminary study of these questions for a case in
idealized geometry, in which the full nonlinear behavior can also be
explored through forward integrations. Specifically, we perform a
three-dimensional linear stability analysis of the thermally-driven
circulation of the planetary geostrophic equations. We examine the
resulting eigenvalues and eigenfunctions, comparing them with the
structure of the interdecadal oscillations found in the fully nonlinear
model in various parameter regimes. We obtain a steady state by running
the time-dependent, nonlinear model to equilibrium using restoring
boundary conditions on surface temperature. If the surface heat fluxes
are then diagnosed, and these values applied as constant flux boundary
conditions, the nonlinear model switches into a state of perpetual,
finite amplitude, interdecadal oscillations. We construct a linearized
version of the model by empirically evaluating the tangent linear
matrix at the steady state, under both restoring and constant-flux
boundary conditions. An eigen-analysis shows there are no unstable
eigenmodes of the linearized model with restoring conditions. In
contrast, under constant flux conditions, we find a single unstable
eigenmode that shows a striking resemblance to the fully-developed
oscillations in terms of three-dimensional structure, period and growth
rate. The mode may be damped through either surface restoring
boundary conditions or sufficiently large horizontal tracer diffusion.
The success of this simple numerical method in idealized geometry
suggests applications in the study of the stability of the ocean
circulation in more realistic configurations, and the possibility of
predicting potential oceanic modes, even weakly damped, that might be
excited by stochastic atmospheric forcing or mesoscale ocean eddies.