Olivier Arzel and Thierry Huck
Laboratoire de Physique des Océans (UMR 6523 CNRS IFREMER UBO), Brest,
Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, 37, 245-270
A simplified coupled ocean-atmosphere model, consisting of a one-layer bidimensional ocean model and a one-layer unidimensionnal energy balance atmospheric model (Cessi, 2000) is used to study the unstable interactions between zonal winds and ocean gyres. In a specific range of parameters, decadal variability is found. Anomalies, quite homogeneous zonally, show small-scale wavelength in latitude: Perturbations emerge and grow at the southern limb of the intergyre boundary and propagate southward before decaying. The wind stress anomalies are proportional to the meridional gradient of the atmospheric temperature anomalies: This ratio acts as a positive amplification factor, as confirmed by a parameter sensitivity analysis. Assuming zonally-averaged anomalies harmonic in the meridional direction, a very simple analytical model for the perturbations is derived, based on forced Rossby wave adjustment of the western boundary current and its associated anomalous heat transport: It accounts for the scale selection, the growth and the southward propagation of sea surface temperature anomalies in the subtropical gyre. The latter is not only due to the slow advection by the mean current, but to a prevailing mechanism of self-advecting coupled oceanic and atmospheric waves, out of phase in latitude. Relevance to the observational record is discussed.
Keyword: Ocean circulation; Air-sea coupling; Air-sea interaction; Ocean-atmosphere system