The French Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The Embassy of France to Norway

The International Scholarship Section (IS)

P.O.Box 2700 St. Hanshaugen, 0131 Oslo


(internal use)


Collaboration Research Projects between Norway and France in 2000

Application for grant. Application deadline: 15 October 1999

This form is to be used by Norwegian applicants only. The Norwegian project leader should fill in the form on behalf of Norwegian and French researchers taking part in the collaboration project. The French project leader will, simultaneously, fill in a French application form on behalf of the French-Norwegian research group to be sent the French administration of the programme. — This form may be completed in English, Norwegian or another Scandinavian language. Please download the form as a file. If completed in paper, use black pen. To be mailed to:

The International Scholarship Section, The Research Council of Norway, Pb.2700 St. Hanshaugen, 0131 Oslo.

1. Norwegian project leader

2. French project leader

Family name Lygre First name Kjetil Title Dr. Scient


Family name Colin De Verdiere First name Alain Title Dr


Nansen Senter for Fjernmåling (NERSC)


Universite de Bretagne Occidentale




Laboratoire de Physique des Oceans (LPO)


Edvard Griegsvei 3a

N-5059 Bergen



UFR Sciences, 6 av. Le Gorgeu

BP 809 - F-29285 Brest cedex


Phone +47 55 29 72 88

Phone +33 02 98 01 62 20

Fax +47 55 20 00 50

Fax + 33 02 98 01 64 68




3. Summary of contacts to date (e.g. correspondence, visits, meetings)

The majority of contacts has been by intense e-mail correspondence, starting in May 1999





4. Title of project (max. 100 characters)

Investigation and modelling of decadal-scale climate variability over the North Atlantic, the Arctic and Europe




5. Academic field (one cross only. When covering several fields, tick main field)

Agriculture/Fishery/Veterinary medicin.…………. Environmental sciences…X…….. Humanities/Social sciences…….

Medicine/Health… …….Natural sciences/Technology. ………




6. Project description

Project summary. More detailed information should be attached, max. three (3) A4-pages (one-sided).

Letter of intent/cooperation from the French project leader must be included.

The North Atlantic climate system undergoes long-periodic fluctuations,known as the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), predominately on the decadal scale.Understanding its underlying mechanisms will — among other things — facilitate prediction of short-term climate fluctuations, with scio-economic implications. Anticipated anthropogenic climate signals can also more easily be discerned from backround variability once its characteristics are better known

The co-operating institutions of the proposed project have initiated several modelling projects with the common philosophy to investigate the behaviour of simplified systems, in order to sort out dominant mechanisms and

critical model parameters and forcing functions. More complex processes will be added in the future, by a step-wise approach, founded on a firm base of knowledge

The objective is to initiate co-operation and exchange experience and expertice in the investigation of the governing mechanisms of decadal-scale variability by coupled atmosphere-ocean-sea ice models of various levels of complexity.

The Atlantic-Arctic subsystem will be studied by a coupled layer ocean — ice — athmosperic energy balance model, whereas several simplified global atm.-ocean experiments will be performed

b) List of main objectives with project plan by which

they are hoped to be achieved.

- Analysis and comparison of basic state (equilibrium) of various models using LPO diagnostics (April 2000)

- Analysis of variability with comparison. Recommendations of parameter settings in NERSC experiments (June 2000)

- Assessment of sensitivity of variability to model parameters and forcings (Oct. 2000)

- Synthesis of the numerical results obtained and drafting of publication (Dec. 2000)

Both institutions have access to supercomputer time. Forcing (input) data are or will be readily available from

other partners in existing projects, both observations and model output. Analysis software has been developed and are in standard use.

c) Specific activities/ visits proposed.

Please give names and brief CV (max. one side) of those involved. Publication lists, if any, should include

publications of relevance to the project published during the last two-three years.

Feb. (in France) Exchange of results, recommendations

for model initialization and forcing (Visitors: K. Lygre and O.-H. Otterå)

Jun.. (Norway) Comparison of various model equilibrium states (Visitor(s): T. Huck, A. Colin de Verdiere, Participation also by H. Drange)

Oct. (France) Analysis of sensitivity of variability to altered model parameters and forcings (Visitor: K. Lygre)

Dec (Norway) Synthesis of obtained results during theyer.

Drafting manuscript for publication. (Visiteur: T. Huck)



d) Indicate national sources from which the project may attract follow-up funding:

Norw: Norw. Res. Council; insurance companies, Norw. Water and hydro-electricity administration

French.:Programme National d’Etudes de la Dynamique du Climat







e) Indicate international sources from which the project may attract follow-up funding:

European commision Frammework Programme 5 (EC FWP 5) Environment and sustainable development

Various Japanese programmes towards Arctic research








f) Indicate the amount of national or international sources, if any, from which the project has already obtained/ applied for funding.

3 to 4











7. Summary of support requested from The Research Council of Norway/ French Ministry of Foreign Affairs

(for rates, see Announcement)

Norwegian visits to France

French visits to Norway

Total number of return journeys

(enter each separately)

.2… journey/s a 5.000 NOK 10.000..

.1… journey/s a " NOK 5.000




…2..journey/s a 5 FF 9000….…..

…1..journey/s a 10 FF 4500

Amount requested for travels

= NOK 15.000

= FF

Duration of each visit

(enter each separately)

2.visit/s a .6 days = NOK …9.000…

1.visit/s a .12 days = NOK 9.000




…2visit/s a…5days = FF 7550………

…1visit/s a…10 days = FF 7550

Amount requested for subsistence

+ 18.000 = NOK

+ = FF 15100

Amount requested in total

= In total NOK 33.000

= In total FF 28 600


8. Norwegian project leader:

Date, name and signature

October 14 1999 Kjetil Lygre

Institution to which funding should be transferred:

Nansen Senter for Miljø og Fjernmåling




Account and

Edv. Griegsv 3a

5059 Bergen

9521 09 17870

internal reference no (if any):