My picture Thierry HUCK   <thuck(at)>
French, born in 1969, English fluent

Laboratoire de Physique des Océans
Institut Universitaire Européen de la Mer
IUEM D224, Technopôle Brest Iroise, Bâtiment D, rue Dumont d'Urville
29280 Plouzané, FRANCE - Tel.: +33 290-915537 - Fax: +33 290-915545


  • Since Jan.2000: Research Scientist at the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS). Stability and variability of the thermohaline circulation, conceptual and simplified climate models, observation (OVIDE) and investigation of the mechanisms responsible for climate variability over the North Atlantic within the CLImate VARiability international framework and the French Programs in Climate Dynamics (PNEDC, LEFE). Laboratoire de Physique des Océans, Université de Bretagne Occidentale, Brest, France.
    - Chief scientist for the Ovide 2004 cruise, and CTD chief operator for the 2002 and 2006 cruises: repeated hydrographic section between Portugal and Greenland.
    - Teaching of General Oceanography classes in engineering school ISEN (2000-2017), and PhD classes (UBO).
    - Supervision of 4 PhD students, 2 postdocs and several Masters.
  • Sept.1998-Dec.1999: Research Associate, Program in Atmospheric and Oceanic Science. Simplifed coupled ocean-atmosphere modeling and investigation of climate decadal variability mechanisms, participation in the Mesoscale Experiments in the Southern Ocean (MESO) project. Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, Princeton University AOS, Princeton, NJ.
  • Sept.1997-Sept.1998: Postdoctoral Researcher with Pr. Geoffrey Vallis. Analysis of the robustness of the interdecadal variability in ocean models forced by quasiconstant surface buoyancy fluxes: eddy-resolving simulations, wind-forcing, bottom topography. Institute of Marine Sciences, University of California, Santa Cruz, CA.
  • Oct.1996-Sept.1997: Temporary research and teaching assistant (ATER). Research on the mechanism for decadal oscillations of the thermohaline circulation in ocean models. Courses of applied mathematics. Laboratoire de Physique des Océans, Université de Bretagne Occidentale, Brest, France.
  • Jan.1995-Sept.1996: Research assistant with Pr. Andrew Weaver. Simplified models of the ocean thermohaline circulation, comparison of momentum dissipation parameterizations, analysis of decadal variability in ocean models under constant flux forcing. School of Earth and Ocean Sciences, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, Canada.


  • Daniault, N., H. Mercier, P. Lherminier, A. Sarafanov, A. Falina, P. Zunino, F. Pérez, A. Rios, B. Ferron, T. Huck, V. Thierry, S. Gladyshev, 2016: The northern North Atlantic Ocean mean circulation in the early 21st century. Progress in Oceanography, 146, 142-158, doi: 10.1016/j.pocean.2016.06.007 .
  • Ferron, B., F. Kokoszka, H. Mercier, P. Lherminier, T. Huck, A. Rios, V. Thierry, 2016: Variability of the turbulent kinetic energy dissipation along the A25 Greenland-Portugal transect repeated from 2002 to 2012. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 46, (7) 1989-2003, doi: 10.1175/JPO-D-15-0186.1 .
  • Jamet, Q., T. Huck, A. Colin de Verdière, O. Arzel, J.-M. Campin, 2016: Oceanic control of multidecadal variability in an idealized coupled GCM. Climate Dynamics, 46, (9) 3079-3095, DOI 10.1007/s00382-015-2754-3 .
  • Sévellec, F, T. Huck, 2016: Geostrophic closure of the zonally-averaged Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 46, (3) 895-917, doi: 10.1175/JPO-D-14-0148.1 .
  • Hochet, A., T. Huck, A. Colin de Verdière, 2015: Large scale baroclinic instability of the mean oceanic circulation: a local approach. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 45, (11) 2738-2754, doi: 10.1175/JPO-D-15-0084.1 .
  • Baztan, J., Jorgensen, B., Vanderlinden, J-P., Pahl S., Thompson, R., Carrasco, A., Miguelez, A., Huck, T., Garrabou, J., Broglio, E., Chouinard, O. Surette, C., Soudant, P., Huvet, A., Galgani, F., Paul-Pont, Ika., 2015. Protected shores contaminated with plastic: From knowledge to action. In: Coastal Zones: Solutions for the 21st Century. ed. Elsevier, Waltham, MA, Chapter 11, pp.185-195, doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-802748-6.00011-5 .
  • Sévellec, F., T. Huck, 2015: Theoretical investigation of the Atlantic multidecadal oscillation. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 45, (9) 2189-2208, doi: 10.1175/JPO-D-14-0094.1 .
  • Mercier, H., P. Lherminier, A. Sarafanov, F. Gaillard, N. Daniault, D. Desbruyères, A. Falina, B. Ferron, T. Huck, V. Thierry, 2015: Variability of the meridional overturning circulation at the Greenland-Portugal OVIDE section from 1993 to 2010. Progress in Oceanography, 132, 250-261, Special Issue "Oceanography of the Arctic and North Atlantic Basins", doi: 10.1016/j.pocean.2013.11.001.
  • Huck, T., O. Arzel, F. Sévellec, 2015: Multidecadal variability of the overturning circulation in presence of eddy turbulence. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 45, (1) 157-173, doi: 10.1175/JPO-D-14-0114.1 .
  • Ferjani, D., T. Huck, A. Colin de Verdière, 2014: Influence of mean circulation on large-scale decadal basin modes. Journal of Marine Research, 72, 331-354, doi: 10.1357/002224014815469877 .
  • Herbette, S., A. Hochet, T. Huck, A. Colin de Verdière, J. Collin, F. Shillington, 2014: The stability of dipolar gyres on a beta-plane. Geophysical Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 108, (5) 479-502, doi: 10.1080/03091929.2014.934369 .
  • Baztan, J., Carrasco, A., Chouinard, O., Cleaud, M., Gabaldon, J., Huck, T., Jaffres, L., Jorgensen, B., Miguelez, A., Paillard, C., Vanderlinden, J.-P., 2014: Protected Areas in the Atlantic Facing the Hazards of Micro-Plastic Pollution: First diagnosis of three islands in the Canary Current. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 80, (1-2) 302-311, doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2013.12.052 .
  • Ferjani, D., T. Huck, A. Colin de Verdière, 2013: Influence of bottom topography on large-scale decadal basin modes. Journal of Marine Research, 71, (4) 289-316, doi: 10.1357/002224013808877080 .
  • Arzel, O., M. H. England, A. Colin de Verdière, T. Huck, 2012: Abrupt millennial variability and interdecadal-interstadial oscillations in a global coupled model: sensitivity to the background climate state. Climate Dynamics, 39, 259-275, doi: 10.1007/s00382-011-1117-y.
  • Lherminier, P., H. Mercier, T. Huck, C. Gourcuff, F. F. Perez, P. Morin, A. Sarafanov, A. Falina, 2010: The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation and the Subpolar Gyre observed at the A25-OVIDE Section in June 2002 and 2004. Deep-Sea Research I, 57, (11) 1374-1391, doi:10.1016/j.dsr.2010.07.009.
  • Sévellec, F., T. Huck, A. Colin de Verdière, 2010: From centennial to millennial oscillation of the thermohaline circulation. Journal of Marine Research, 68, 5, 723-742.
  • Sévellec, F., T. Huck, M. Ben Jelloul, and J. Vialard, 2009: Nonnormal multidecadal response of the thermohaline circulation induced by optimal surface salinity perturbations. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 39, 4, 852-872.
  • Huck, T., A. Colin de Verdière, P. Estrade, and R. Schopp, 2008: Low-frequency variations of the large-scale ocean circulation and heat transport in the North Atlantic from 1955-1998 in-situ temperature and salinity data. Geophysical Research Letter, 35, L23613, doi:10.1029/2008GL035635.
  • Sévellec, F., T. Huck, M. Ben Jelloul, N. Grima, J. Vialard, and A. Weaver, 2008: Optimal surface salinity perturbations of the meridional overturning and heat transport in a global ocean general circulation model. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 38, 2739-2754.
  • Sévellec, F., M. Ben Jelloul, T. Huck, 2007: Optimal surface salinity perturbation influencing the thermohaline circulation. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 37, 2789-2808.
  • Arzel, O., A. Colin de Verdière, T. Huck, 2007: On the origin of interdecadal oscillations in a coupled ocean-atmosphere model. Tellus A, 59, 367-383.
  • Arzel, O., T. Huck, A. Colin de Verdière, 2006: The different nature of the interdecadal variability of the thermohaline circulation under mixed and flux boundary conditions. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 36, 1703-1718.
  • Cabanes, C., T. Huck, A. Colin de Verdière, 2006: Contributions of wind forcing and surface heating to interannual sea level variations in the Atlantic Ocean. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 36, 1739-1750.
  • Sévellec, F., T. Huck, M. Ben Jelloul, 2006: On the mechanism of centennial thermohaline oscillations. Journal of Marine Research, 64, 355-392.
  • Branellec P., A. Billant, T. Huck, 2006: Campagne Ovide 2004 - Rapport de données CTD-O2. Rapport interne IFREMER DRO/DOPS/LPO/06-01, 304 p., Février 2006.
  • Ben Jelloul, M., T. Huck, 2005: Low-frequency basin modes in a two-layer quasi-geostrophic model in the presence of a mean gyre flow. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 35, 2167-2186.
  • Huck, T., 2005: Le Gulf Stream et son rôle sur le climat. In: Catalogue de l'exposition "Si le Gulf Stream s'arrêtait ?", Musée Maritime de l'Ile de Tatihou, Saint-Vaast-la-Hougue, France, 65-67.
  • Arzel, O., T. Huck, 2003: Decadal oscillations in a simplified coupled model due to unstable interactions between zonal winds and ocean gyres. Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, 37, 245-270.
  • Ben Jelloul, M., T. Huck, 2003: Basin modes interactions and selection by the mean flow in a reduced-gravity quasigeostrophic model. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 33, 2320-2332.
  • Bresch, D., T. Huck, M. Sy, 2002: Circulation thermohaline et équations planétaires géostrophiques : propriétés physiques, numériques et mathématiques. Annales Mathématiques Blaise Pascal, 9, 181-212.
  • Czaja, A., A. W. Robertson, T. Huck, 2002: The role of Atlantic ocean-atmosphere coupling in affecting North Atlantic Oscillation variability. In: The North Atlantic Oscillation: climatic significance and environmental impact, J. W. Hurrell, Y. Kushnir, G. Ottersen, and M. Visbeck Eds., AGU Geophysical Monograph Series, 134, 147-172.
  • Huck, T., G. K. Vallis, 2001: Linear stability analysis of the three-dimensional thermally-driven ocean circulation: application to interdecadal oscillations. Tellus, 53A, 526-545.
  • Huck, T., G. K. Vallis, A. Colin de Verdière, 2001: On the robustness of the interdecadal modes of the thermohaline circulation. J. Climate, 14, 940-963.
  • Colin de Verdière, A., T. Huck, 2000: A two degree of freedom dynamical system for interdecadal oscillations of the ocean-atmosphere. J. Climate, 13, 2801-2817.
  • Colin de Verdière, A., T. Huck, 1999: Baroclinic instability: A wavemaker for oceanic interdecadal variability. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 29, 893-910.
  • Huck, T., A. Colin de Verdière, A. J. Weaver, 1999: Interdecadal variability of the thermohaline circulation in box-ocean models forced by fixed surface fluxes. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 29, 865-892.
  • Huck, T., A. J. Weaver, A. Colin de Verdière, 1999: On the influence of the paramaterization of lateral boundary layers on the thermohaline circulation in coarse-resolution ocean models. J. Mar. Res., 57, 387-426.
  • Huck, T., 1997: Modeling the large-scale ocean thermohaline circulation: analysis of its interdecadal variability. Ph. D. thesis dissertation, Université de Bretagne Occidentale, Brest, France, 250 p.