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ABRAMOWITZ, M. and I. A. STEGUN | Handbook of Mathematical Functions | 1970 | Dover Publications | |
ANDREWS, D.G., J.R. HOLTON and C.B. LEOVY | Middle Atmosphere Dynamics | 1987 | Academic Press | |
BAINES, P.G. | Topographic effects in stratified flows | 1995 | Cambridge University Press | C.Auvray |
BATCHELOR, G.K. | An Introduction to Fluid Dynamics | 1967 | Cambridge University Press | |
BENDAT, J.S. and A.G. PIERSOL | Random Data. Analysis and Measurement Procedures. | 1986 | Wiley Interscience | C.Auvray |
BENNETT, A.F. | Inverse Methods in Physical Oceanography | 1992 | Cambridge University Press | C.Deltel |
BOCK et al. | Numerische Algorithmen auf Transputer-Systemen | 1993 | B.G. Teubner Stuttgart | |
BOUBNOV, B.M., and G.S. Golitsyn | Convection in rotating fluids | 1996 | Kluwer | |
BOUGIS, P. et al. | Océanographie Biologique Appliquée, l'exploitation de la vie marine | 1976 | Masson | |
CHANDRASEKHAR | Hydrodynamics instability | |||
CHAPMAN S.J. | Fortran 90/95 for scientists and engineers | |||
CHU, P.C. and J.C. Gascard | Deep convection and deep water formation in the oceans | 1991 | Elsevier Science Publications | |
C.I.L.F. | Vocabulaire de l'océanologie | Hachette | ||
CURLE, S.N. and H.J. DAVIES | Modern Fluid Dynamics. Volume II, Compressible Flow | 1971 | Van Nostrand Eeinhold Company | |
CUSHMAN-ROISIN, B. | Introduction to Geophysical Fluid Dynamics | 1994 | Prentice Hall | F.Marin |
DRAZIN, P.G. and W.H. REID | Hydrodynamic Stability | 1981 | Cambridge University Press | |
DRAZIN P.G. | Nonlinear systems | 1993 | Cambridge University Press | |
FRISCH, U. | Turbulence | 1995 | Cambridge University Press | G.Lapeyre |
GALLIVAN, K.A. et al. | Parallel Algorithms for Matrix Computations | 1990 | SIAM | |
GERARD, F. | Introduction à la Mécanique des Fluides Géophysiques. Tome I: les grands équilibres | 1986 | Ecole Nationale de Techniques Avancées | |
GILL, A. E. | Atmospere-Ocean Dynamics. International Geophysics Series, Volume 30 | 1982 | Academic Press | |
GILLY | Unix in a nutshell | |||
GOLDBERG, E.D. | The SEA. Volume 5: Marine Chemistry | 1974 | Wiley Interscience | |
GOLUB, G.H. and C.F. VAN LOAN | Matrix Computations | 1989 | The Johns Hopkins University Press | |
GOOSSENS M. et al. | The LaTeX companion | |||
GORDON, A.L. | Studies in Physical Oceanography, a tribute to Georg Wüst on his 80th Birthday | 1972 | Gordon and Breach Science Publishers | |
GRADSHTEYN I.S. and RYZHIK I.M. | Table of integrals, series and products, 5th edition | Allan Jeffrey Editor | ||
HAIDVOGEL D.B. et BECKMAN A. | Numerical Ocean Modeling | |||
HARRAP'S | Dictionnaire Anglais-Francais | |||
HILDEBRAND, F.B. | Advanced Calculus for Applications | 1976 | Prentice Hall Inc. | |
HOLTON, J.R. | An Introduction to Dynamic Meteorology, Third Edition | 1992 | Academic Press | |
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JOHANNESSEN, O.M., R.D. MUENCH and J.E. OVERLAND | The Polar Oceans and their Role in Shaping the Global Environment | 1994 | ||
KAPLAN E.D. | Understanding GPS : Principles and applications | T.Terre | ||
KNAUSS, J.A. | Introduction to Physical Oceanography | 1978 | Prentice Hall | |
KRAUS, E.B. | Atmosphere-Ocean Interaction | 1972 | Clarendon Press - Oxford | |
KRAUS, E.B. and J. A. Businger | Atmosphere-Ocean Interaction | 1994 | Oxford University Press | |
KRAUSS, W. | The Warmwatersphere of the North Atlantic Ocean | 1996 | Gebrüder Borntraeger | C.Auvray |
KUNDU, P.K. | Fluid Mechanics | 1990 | Academic Press | |
LAMB, H. | Hydrodynamics | 1932 | Cambridge University Press | |
LANDSBERG, H.E. | World Survey of Climatology, Volume 15 | 1984 | Van Loon Editor - Elsevier Publications | |
LERMAN and IMBODEN | Physics and Chemistry of Lakes | |||
LIGHTHILL, James | Waves in Fluids | 1978 | Cambridge University Press | |
LIONS, J.L. | Contrôle Optimal de Systèmes Gouvernés par des Equations aux Dérivées Partielles | 1968 | Dunod | |
MAILLARD, C. | Atlas Hydrologique de l'Atlantique Nord-Est | 1986 | IFREMER | |
MINEUR, H. | Techniques de Calcul Numérique | 1966 | Dunod | |
MONIN, A.S., V.M. Kamenkovitch and V.G. KORT | Variability of the Oceans | 1974 | Wiley Interscience | |
MORSE et FESHBACH | Methods of theoretical physics - TOME 1 | |||
MORSE et FESHBACH | Methods of theoretical physics - TOME 2 | |||
MUI | When you can't find your Unix system administrator | O'REILLY | ||
NIHOUL, C.J. and B.M. JAMART | Mesoscale/Synoptic Coherent Structures in Geophysical Turbulence | 1989 | Elsevier Science Publishers | |
NIHOUL, C.J. | Marine Interfaces Ecohydrodynamics | 986 | Elsevier Science Publishers | |
NIHOUL, C.J. and B.M. JAMART | Three-Dimensional Models of Marine and Estuaries Dynamics | 1987 | Elsevier Publications | |
NIHOUL, C.J. | Ecohydrodynamics | 1981 | Elsevier Publications | |
OPEN UNIVERSITY | Ocean Circulation | 1989 | Pergamon Press | |
PEDLOSKY, J. | Ocean Circulation Theory | 1996 | Springer Verlag | |
PEDLOSKY, J. | Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, 1st edition | 1979 | Springer Verlag | |
PEDLOSKY, J. | Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, 2nd edition | 1987 | Springer Verlag | F.Marin |
PEDLOSKY, J. | Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, 2nd edition | 1987 | Springer Verlag | C.Auvray |
PEEK et al | Unix Power Tools | O'Reilly | ||
PERRY, A. H. and J. M. WALKER | The Ocean-Atmosphere System | 1977 | Longman | |
PHILANDER, S.G.H. | El Nino, la Nina and the Southern Oscillation | 1990 | Academic Press | F.Marin |
PLATT, T., K.H. MANN and R.E. ULANOWICZ | Mathematical Models in Biological Oceanography | 1981 | The Unesco Press | |
POND, S. and G. L. PICKARD | Introductory Dynamical Oceanography | 1983 | Butterworth Heinemann | |
PRESS, W.H., S.A. TEUKOLSKY, W.T. VETTERLING and B.P. FLANNERY | Numerical Recipes in FORTRAN. The Art of Scientific Computing, Second Edition | 1992 | Cambridge University Press | C.Deltel |
PRESS, W.H., S.A. TEUKOLSKY, W.T. VETTERLING and B.P. FLANNERY | Numerical Recipes in C. The Art of Scientific Computing, Second Edition | 1992 | Cambridge University Press | |
ROBERT and COLLINS | Dictionnaire Français/Anglais - Anglais/Français | 1995 | Harper Collins Publishers | |
SALMON R. | Lectures on Geophysical Fluid Dynamics | Oxford | ||
SMITH, G.D. | Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations | 1965 | Oxford University Press | |
STEWART, R.H. | Methods of Satellite Oceanography | 1985 | University of California Press | |
TCHERNIA, P. | Océanographie Régionale. Description Physique des Océans and des Mers | 1978 | Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Techniques Avancées | |
TENNEKES, H. and J.L. Lumley | A first course in turbulence | 1972 | The MIT Press | Y.Desaubies |
TRIPLET, J.P. and G. Roche | Météorologie Générale | 1971 | Ecole Nationale de la Météorologie | |
WAGENER, J.L. | FORTRAN 77, Principles of Programming | 1980 | Wiley Interscience | |
WILKINSON, J.H. and C. REINSCH | Linear Algebra | 1971 | Springer-Verlag |
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-> Cédric Auvray (livres
Fluid Dynamics | Les Houches | |
Ocean Circulation Physics | Stern | |
Hydrodynamics of Oceans and Atmospheres | Eckart | |
Turbulence | Hinze | |
Mathematical Problems in Geophysics - GFD 13 | Emprunté le 26 / 04 / 00 | |
Rotating Fluids in Geophysics | Robert et Soward | Emprunté le 24 / 08 / 00 |
Mesoscale Atmospheric Circulations | Atkinson | |
The atmosphere and the sea in motion | Rossby Memorial Volume |
-> Alexandre Ganachaud
Claude Delannoy : Programmer en FORTRAN 90 - Guide complet
-> Xavier Carton
Stommel: A view of the Sea
Berge, Pomeau, Vidal: Order within Chaos
Prigogine: Order out of Chaos
Marion: Classical Dynamics
Darrozes & Francois: Mecanique des Fluides
Allen & Ditsworth: Fluid Mechanics
Kundu: Fluid Mechanics
Lamb: Hydrodynamics
Drazin & Reid: Hydrodynamic stability
Chandrasekhar: Hydrodynamic and hydromagnetic
Cushman-Roisin: Introduction to geophysical
fluid dynamics (2 ex.)
Pedlosky: Geophysical Fluid Dynamics (1979)
Ecole Ete Roscoff 91: Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
Ecole Ete Cambridge 96: Geophysical and Environmental
Fluid Dynamics (2 volumes)
Cours ENSTA (Piquet): La turbulence et sa
Cours ENSTA (Dumas, Coantic): Turbulence en
Herring & McWilliams: Lecture notes in
Nihoul et Jamart: Mesoscale/Synoptic coherent
structures in geophysical turbulence
van Heijst: Modeling of oceanic vortices (2
Ecole Hiver Houches 98: Parametrisation dans
les OGCM (2 volumes)
LeBlond & Mysak: Waves in the ocean
Le Mehaute: An introduction to hydrodynamics
and water waves
Cours Polytechnique (Sadourny & Bougeault):
Dynamique de l'Atmosphere et de l'Ocean
Gill: Atmosphere Ocean Dynamics
Pinot: Oceanographie physique generale
Lacombe: Cours d'oceanographie physique
Pickard & Emery: Descriptive physical
Pond & Pickard: Introductory dynamical
Cours ENSTA (Queney): Elements de meteorologie
Holton: An introduction to dynamic meteorology
The Open University: Ocean Circulation (2
The Open University: Waves, tides and shallow-water
Csanady: Circulation in the coastal ocean
Cours ENSTA (Le Provost): Ondes et maree
Lalli & Parsons: Biological oceanography:
an introduction
Prazuck: Acoustique sous-marine
Robinson & Lee: Oceanography and acoustics
Cours ENSTA (Comolet-Tirman, Husson, Lefevre):
Geodesie dynamique et spatiale
Bennett: Inverse methods in physical oceanography
Murray-Spiegel: Mathematical Handbook (Schaum